This week’s kick off was a JavaScript special. Here is our selection of the best, tips, tools and techniques from the internet.

1) Free JavaScript books– A great selection of free online books:

2) JavaScript courses – High quality training courses developed by JavaScript veteran, Eric Elliott:

3) JavaScript & jQuery – A great book for learning the basics of computer programming:

4) jQuery surprises – One developer’s findings after reading the jQuery source from top to bottom:

5) JS For Us All – A great selection of simple but informative posts on the areas of JavaScript often neglected:

6) The JavaScript framework decision -Ember, Angular or Backbone? This post by Mike Cunsolo breaks down the main benefits of each framework:

7) JavaScript Modules – The next version of JavaScript comes with a module system heavily inspired by Node.js modules. Here’s how it works:

8) ES6 – ECMAScript 6 (ES6, often referred to as “Harmony”) is the upcoming sixth major release of the ECMAScript language specification. ES6rocks goes over some of the new features coming in:

We hope these links prove as helpful to you as they have done to the team here at Carbon.