Community Integrated Care is a national social care charity which provides care and support to thousands of people across England and Scotland.
About Click in the cloud

The brief
We were asked to develop, plan, produce and execute a number of materials to support the launch of Community Integrated Care’s new online IT Portal, which included their newly developed intranet, to their internal audiences. The aim was to raise awareness and educate Community Integrated Cares' staff on this platform, its features and benefits; to achieve increased use and ongoing engagement with the platform. Thereby improving communication, collaboration and productivity within the organisation as well as improving team morale within the company and allowing the staff to feel listened to.

Our approach...
Community Integrated Care had decided on 12 campaign messages for their promotion. These messages had a powerful hook behind them as the organisation used real issues and concerns raised by their own staff. The company decided not to shy away from them, but to acknowledge the issues staff were having and address them, with the help of their new IT portal.
These issues were heard and it was finalised that they could be displayed on the front of the fact sheets, posters, and other communications materials we were producing. On the promotional materials there is a clear solution displayed to one of the 12 problems chosen and more information on which particular features means that this issues should no longer exist for staff. This was an astute way to engage the staff in favour of the new campaign.
For a large and complex organisation like Community Integrated Care, introducing a brand-new technology platform to a 6,000-strong internal audience was always going to be a challenge. The creativity and hard work from the team at Carbon Creative brought to life the vision we had for this project through a detailed, imaginative and now award-winning campaign! They delivered something so special – our teams had genuinely never seen anything like it.
Siobhan Biggane, Senior Internal Communications and Engagement Officer

the results...
During launch month (June ‘15) Click in the Cloud received over 49,000 hits. Ordinarily it would be expected that this would reduce dramatically in the months post-launch. This hasn’t been the case; with hits still consistently hitting 40,000 per month. Total number of Yammer users - 1413 Month on month still receive 1000 posts a month on Yammer.